No.1: Sandy Sanderson: Soda can cars
No.2: V35 Aircraft
No.3: RC Coke Plane
Covers all videos:
- To make any soda can/plastic bottle video, you have to first create a template that you will be base the model from. The template helps when figuring out where to cut into the cans and for the overall layout of the vehicle. Next, you have to have cans/bottles and extra materials for the model. For instance, when building a soda can car I have found that building the car body first helps so that you are able to find out the exact size and weight the wheels/axles so that they connect to the body.
- If you build the wheels/axles first, it might be more difficult when trying to connect them to the body. The reason for this is that you would have to be extremely precise when cutting the body, so that it fits correctly on the wheels and axles. Making the body first would cut down a sizeable amount of trial and error needed during the process.
- When cutting the cans, you can use scissors, knives, blades, or any other type of cutting utensil. For building a car, you can use a knife to cut either the bottom or the top of the can to make the wheels. To create the axles, you can cut a piece of the can off and roll it into a cylinder form, then tape it so that the piece holds together, then you connect it to the wheels to hold the wheels together.